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Welcome to the biocolloids and biointerface science laboratory@Stony Brook University

We are a new, multidisciplinary research group in the Department of Chemistry:

- Our expertise spans quantitative microscopy imaging, molecular spectroscopy, biomaterial engineering, and molecular biology.

- Our passion is understanding the signal transduction processes in the biological world, particularly those mediated by biocolloids and biointerfaces.

- Our approach involves exploring the biochemical and physical properties of biocolloids and biointerfaces at the single-particle, sometimes single-molecule level, and uncovering the underlying principles of their signaling.

- Our goal is to elucidate disease mechanisms and develop new solutions for diagnostics and therapeutics. Additionally, we aim to contribute to coastal environment monitoring and remediation.

We are now actively recruiting Ph.D. Students :)
Interested in learning more? Please contact Prof. Sun directly at

Sun Lab Group Meeting
Time: Fridays at 3:30 PM
Location: 603 Chemistry Building

Contact Information

Sun Laboratory@Stony Brook

Department of Chemistry, Stony Brook University
100 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook, NY 11794

PI Office: 629; Student Office: 621; Lab: 602, 606

©2024 by Simou Sun. Created with

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